
by: Silva issa

About me

I started my career in interior design in 2018. I embarked on a transformative journey that has honed my creative abilities and expanded my understanding of the power of space, my educational journey has nurtured my artistic sensibilities and cultivated my ability to envision spaces with a unique blend of aesthetics and functionality. However, as time went on, I found myself increasingly drawn to the captivating world of fashion design. In 2021, I made the bold decision to redirect my creative energy toward this new path, embracing the opportunity to explore a different medium of self-expression. Venturing into the world of fashion design ignited a fire within me, as I discovered the power of garments to convey emotions, tell stories, and shape personal identities. With every stitch and fabric choice, I realized that I was not just creating clothes but crafting wearable art that had the potential to transform individuals and empower them to embrace their unique style.

Red Blurred Dot

Inspo/ Mood Board


s/s 2023 collection

s/s 2023 collection


s/s 2023 collection fashion show